Saturday, January 5, 2019

It's Valentine's Day. I'm a man.

Note:As I begin consideration of returning to blogging, I found this unpublished post.  I have decided to post it now.

It's February 14th, Valentine's Day. The blowing snow last night has shut the college down for the morning. The extra hour in bed felt refreshing. Barb had some finishing touches to make on the goodies she made the previous evening for the children/grand-children. There was a few things though that needed to be picked up from the store before she could finish. She handed me a list (If I don't have a list, I get to the store and wonder what it was I came to get) and had me add red food coloring to it before I left. I got to the store and pulled out the list. Freezer bags, XXX sugar, sandwich bags .... wait a minute. XXX sugar? Was this a secret code to me on this special day? Was the list just a dupe to get me out of the house only to surprise me when I returned? I reel in my out of control mind and head up and down the aisles looking for the items on my list. Freezer bags, sandwich bags, food coloring; I knew where to find all these items. But what about "adult sugar"? Maybe I should ask someone ... Nah. I'm a man. I should be able to find it on my own. Just find the sugar and then look around. Hmmmmm. Is 10-X sugar the same as XXX sugar? Maybe I should call Barb and check ... Nah. I'm a man. I can make the decision on my own. If XXX is good, then XXXXXXXXXX must be even better. Another successful trip to the grocery without needing to call home for clarification.

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